Thursday, April 3, 2008

DIG-B On The Road

I'm taking off tomorrow afternoon to go to my nephew's first birthday party, so no posting for a couple days (not that I post much on weekends anyway). I've loaded up on new stuff in the last couple days, so make sure to check the next several posts below this so you don't miss anything. And be sure to go visit Generik's Tap and Brew Bits.

Oh, and speaking of milestones, somehow I missed that DIG-B passed the 6 month mark March 24th. Thanks to everybody that stops by regularly to read and/or comment! Amazingly, I haven't been flamed for a single word yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats of 6 mos. I am truly grateful for the insight, stories, and information you provide on your blog. Plus, few combinations are better than indy development and beer.