- Location: SE corner of Meridian St. and St. Joseph St.
- Height: 3 stories
- Architecture: Gothic Revival
- Built: 1925-26
- Renovated: 2007-08
- Previous Tenants: Knights of Pythias (Insurance Headquarters), Stokely-Van Camp Inc. (Van Camp's Baked Beans still produced by ConAgra Foods)
- Owner/Current Tenant: Buckingham Companies

Looks great. I wouldn't be here in Indy if it weren't for that building (I got hired right out of college by a company called ASI). On the inside, it looked like a random office building. I was glad to see it brought back to its former glory.
You should see it at night!
Yeah, it really looks amazing at night. I'd love to try to capture a night shot but I doubt my camera will work very well. Maybe if the mood suits me some night, I'll see what I can get.
Nice pix dude. :-)
Take a tri-pod with you if you want good night shots.
FYI, Definitely not "Greek Revival". Try Gothic Revival.
Ahhh, good catch Mark. Thanks.
Came across these on the net. I worked there in the early 60's when it was Stokely Van Camp. Your photos brought back wonderful memories. Thanks.
Look great! I like your fantastic shot.Keep it up.
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