Thursday, March 11, 2010

Photos: Indianapolis Cultural Trail, Photo 23

As part of the design of the North Corridor of the Cultural Trail, the intersection of St. Clair St. and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. was shifted slightly north to accommodate the Trail on the south side of St. Clair St. This is what the intersection looks like today:

Looking east from the southwest corner of the intersection.

The center island of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. was extended significantly to the north
to provide a safe stopping zone for those unable to cross the street in the available time.


Curt said...

Hey it's nice to see you back in action Chris. You were quiet for a while! Anyway, I have wondered how the trail would interface with West Street with it being so busy. It should be interesting to see how much of a barrier West st ends up being

CorrND said...

It's no coincidence that warm weather = more pictures.

I've heard that the crossing time for DMLK is going to be significantly increased. As it currently is, NO ONE can walk across the road in the allotted time. I literally had to run across the street so as not to be mowed over. Note that the old crossing signals are still attached and active, with the new Cultural Trail-designed crossing signals bagged and waiting.